
SCAP hearings

Regular hearings of the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP) will be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Alterations to the scheduled hearing arrangements may occur from time to time according to workload. A current schedule is available on the meetings and agendas page.

Hearings will generally be held in the morning. Attendees will be notified of the time of hearings in advance.

Hearings will ordinarily be held in the Level 9 Inparri Kuu Seminar Room located at 83 Pirie Street, Adelaide, unless otherwise notified by the SCAP Secretariat. Meetings at other locations, may be convened from time to time to meet specific statutory or operational needs. All SCAP hearings are open to the public with deliberations held in private.

Agendas and minutes

Agenda items (excluding legal opinion and commercially confidential information, and recommendations relating to Crown Development or mining proposals) are made available to the public, including applicants and representors, from the Wednesday preceding the scheduled meeting at the agendas and minutes section of this website.

Minutes of the SCAP hearings are published on this website within one business day following the meeting.

Operating directions and Code of Conduct

The SCAP Practice and Operating Directions (PDF, 260 KB) outline how the business of SCAP is conducted and are determined by the Commission in accordance with section 29(3)(a) of the Act.

Members of the SCAP are bound by the Minister's Code of Conduct which forms part of the SCAP Practice and Operating Directions.

Hearings and representations


For applications to be determined by the SCAP, applicants are provided the opportunity to attend the meeting, even when there are no representors to be heard.


Representors who have expressed a desire to be heard by the SCAP will be heard in accordance with the Act.

Concurrence items

For requests by councils for concurrence, the SCAP only considers the written advice and documentation provided by the council. As the council has made its decision, neither the applicant nor representors (who may already have exercised their right to attend a Development Assessment Panel meeting) are invited to ensure procedural fairness in the SCAP’s deliberations.


The Presiding Member will allow any member of the SCAP to ask relevant questions of any person appearing before it, and may refuse to allow any questions, comment or debate that is in his/her opinion not relevant to the subject matter.

The SCAP can provide a Microsoft Teams link for representors and applicants where required.

The SCAP discusses and determines applications in private after applicants, representors, council and agencies have left the meeting.

Hearing protocols

Subject to numbers, members of the public and media may attend in person but must register with the SCAP Secretary no later than 3:00 pm on the Monday prior to the meeting.

Attendees will follow the direction of the Presiding Member and are expected to adhere to the following general meeting protocols:

  • enter the room quietly at the beginning of the meeting or at the start of a new agenda item
  • turn off or switch mobile phones to silent, and any other electronic device i.e. laptops and tablets
  • cameras and video equipment are not to be brought into the meeting room as recording is not permitted
  • dress appropriately – avoid wearing thongs, singlets, hats or sunglasses
  • refrain from talking and eating during the meeting
  • to limit disruption and distraction for representors, late attendees will not be permitted to enter a hearing if they arrive more than 5 minutes after the commencement of the hearing.

SCAP staff

While independent of the Government, SCAP is supported in its role by the Planning and Land Use Services division of the Department for Housing and Urban Development. Staff provide professional research and advice to the SCAP regarding applications and other matters. The SCAP is also able to delegate extensive administrative and decision-making responsibility to certain planning officers of the Department.