State Planning Commission completes first review of Environment and Food Production Areas

The State Planning Commission (Commission) has released its Report for the inaugural review of the state’s Environment and Food Production Areas (EFPA).

The EFPA was brought into operation in April 2017 under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (the Act), with the Commission required to review the EFPA every 5 years.

The review was undertaken in two stages with the first stage involving an analysis of land supply in Greater Adelaide, which found that there is an adequate provision of land to accommodate housing and employment growth in Greater Adelaide over the next 15 years.

The second stage involved a nine week public consultation process in which land owners and other stakeholders were invited to make submissions regarding potential anomalies of a trivial nature that may exist in the EFPA boundaries.

A total of 90 submissions were received during the consultation process, with 30 of these being heard at a public hearing conducted by the Commission in September 2021.

The Commission gave consideration to all submissions for potential boundary variation, which were measured against the review’s scope (as defined in the Commission’s Statement of Position, released in June 2021).

Given the limited scope of the relevant test in the legislation to vary boundaries (“that the variation is trivial in nature and will address a recognised anomaly”) the Commission endorsed 23 boundary variations and/or minor technical corrections and administrative updates to boundaries.

The proposed boundary variations will be implemented in 2022, including subsequent amendment to the EFPA Overlay in the Planning and Design Code, subject to the required legislative steps.

The next five year anniversary (and associated Review) is due in 2027.

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