The Building Technical Panel has a core membership of four persons (including Chair and Deputy Chair) comprising qualified individuals with proven abilities and experience in performance based design, building and construction, building engineering services, surveying and fire safety operations. In addition, the core membership is supported by up to six occasional ‘specialist’ members to provide expert advice as and where necessary.
The Building Technical Panel members are selected from various fields of expertise within the building and construction sector. Members are appointed by the State Planning Commission.

Debbie Frisby
Debbie is a lecturer in building surveying and fire engineering with the University of South Australia (UniSA). She has over 30 years of experience in the industry, including as a building surveyor within local government and as a private certifier. Her special interest in fire and education led her to a career at UniSA as lecturer in Building Surveying and Fire Engineering. Debbie was previously a core member of the BRAC and the most recent Deputy Presiding Member, holding this position from September 2015 until July 2017 with the commencement of the State Planning Commission.

Jeffrey Shillabeer
Deputy Chair
Jeff is a building surveyor within the City of Salisbury. He has qualifications in building surveying and urban and regional planning and with over 10 years of experience in the industry, including within local council and in private practice. In his current role as the Team Leader of City of Salisbury’s building unit, he is responsible for building assessments ranging from small scale domestic construction through to complex commercial and industrial projects. Jeff was a member of the BAC from October 2015 until July 2017, with the commencement of the State Planning Commission.

Joanne Payne
Ordinary Member
Joanne is a building designer, licenced builder and operates her own construction company. She has qualifications in building surveying, building technology, construction and business administration. She has over 30 years of experience in planning assessment, building assessment, compliance and enforcement matters having worked in both state and local government, as well as in the private sector in commercial building work. Joanne was previously a core member of the BRAC and held the position of Deputy Presiding Member from November 2013 to August 2015.
Miranda Centofanti
Ordinary Member
Miranda is an experienced senior project management professional and former practicing architect with over 20 years’ experience in South Australia’s building, development and construction industry.
She has worked in senior roles in both State and local government and the private industry. Her expertise spans the initiating, design and delivery phases of projects. She has a Bachelor of Architecture, Certificate in Project Management, and an Advanced Diploma in Management.
Her career has seen her realise many re-purposed buildings across various budget scales, and explore complexities such as design performance-based solutions, energy efficiencies, planning constraints, building service upgrades, fire safety, disability and access compliance and bespoke design material solutions.
She has a passion for well-functioning built outcomes that engage with creative outdoor spaces to leave a lasting legacy for their occupants.
Her time at City of Adelaide saw her contribute strategies towards the Placemaking, Mainstreet and community precinct wards and deliver award-winning public spaces and buildings. She was Adelaide’s delegate representative at Placemaking conferences. She brings a balanced approach to community activation with the commercial realities of construction.
She is presently involved in various Board positions, and has been an active committee member within Architecture, Building and Education sectors.
Bernie Steer
Occassional Member
Bernard has extensive experience in building rules assessment and compliance in all types of buildings and has a strong background in all facets of commercial and residential building construction. He has a strong interest in building fire safety and building compliance and has worked in building assessment with the City of Adelaide and in building policy development for the South Australian State Government. He is currently Executive Officer and a committee member of the City of Adelaide Building Fire Safety Committee. Bernard is also a member of the UniSA Construction Management and Postgraduate Building Surveying Advisory Committee and has experience as a lecturer and course writer in the VET building education sector. He is also a past National Vice President of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors.

Brett Fennell
Occassional Member
Brett is the Managing Director of BuildSurv and is responsible for the delivery Building Code of Australia (BCA) Consultancy, Certification and Disability Access Consultancy. He has worked within the construction industry for over 30 years since first commencing work in Local Government as a Building Surveyor in the states South East. After relocating to Adelaide, he took up a position in the private industry becoming registered as a Private Certifier in 2008 and established BuildSurv in 2012. Since working in private industry, Brett has also been engaged for the delivery of significant building and development projects state wide. He has also held roles in legislative development, further education as a lecturer, presenter and member of technical committees.
James Cibich
Occassional Member
James has a first class honours degree in Civil and Structural Engineering from the University of Adelaide (2010). Since graduation, James has worked closely with senior structural and diagnostic engineers to gain experience in a wide variety of construction and engineering practices. He has been involved in a number of complex structural investigations and prepared detailed reports to provide clients with expert advice to assist in decisions regarding asset management, damage causation and remediation. Whilst developing his experience in the engineering and construction industry. James also completed a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Adelaide (2014).
Leah Bertholini
Occassional Member
Leah brings 6 years of practical experience with the South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) performing assessments for developments located in areas mapped as Bushfire Prone across the state of South Australia. As well as first-hand experience in buildings exposure to bushfire impact, having undertaken building impact assessments at Sampson Flat, Cudlee Creek and Ravine (KI) fires. Leah represents SA CFS on strategic planning directions and technical building matters working with organisations locally and nationally such as the Department Transport and Technical Infrastructure (DPTI) and Bushfire Planning subgroup of the Built Environment and Planning Technical Group (BEPTG) facilitated by The Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC). Leah is passionate about professional development and understanding the current and evolving trends in aspects of bushfire protection. Having achieved Certificate III Public Safety (Firefighting Operations), she is now completing a Graduate Diploma in Bushfire Protection at the University of Western Sydney.

Nick Ingerson
Occassional Member
In 1970 Nick joined the architectural practice “KROMA” as a partner, where he was responsible for a broad range of projects including the establishment of a series of Project Housing developments.
In 1973 he travelled to Europe where he was employed at Schultmeyer Kroj, Vienna, where he was responsible for a range of projects (offices and shopping centres) throughout Vienna, Germany, France and Belgium. Nick then established a sole-practise in Vienna.
On his return to Australia in 1976, he re-joined KROMA as a partner, and worked largely in Adelaide, the Northern Territory and Eastern States, being responsible for major projects in Darwin, Alice Springs, and Ayers Rock. Several projects with Government body clients included an office development at Tennant Creek, and the development of low energy remote housing for the Territory Department of Parks and Wildlife, which won high acclaim here and overseas. Nick returned permanently to Adelaide in 1986 and established a practise concentrating on private sustainable housing along the coastal strip and surrounding hills. Nick is also a qualified energy rater.
Peter Murton
Occassional Member
Peter has been involved in Building Services Consulting Engineering since graduating in Electrical Engineering, and progressed over the past two decades with post-graduate qualifications in Fire Safety Engineering and Bushfire Protection Engineering. He is a member of State and National Committees on building services for Engineers Australia, as well as a member of an industry technical advisory committee on Bushfire Safety. He is currently Director and Principal Engineer at B.S.P. Design Pty Ltd.