As part of the Expert Panel’s review of the planning system, the State Planning Commission has put forward a proposal to better preserve SA’s valuable character streetscapes.
The proposal includes:
- Elevate Character Areas to Historic Areas
Support and facilitate councils to undertake Code Amendments to elevate existing Character Areas to Historic Areas (where appropriate justification has been provided). This option will allow demolition controls to apply across a broader area of the state, while still maintaining the integrity and consistency of the Planning and Design Code. Councils would be required to consult with their communities on any proposed Code Amendments to elevate character areas to historic areas. - Character Area Statement Updates
Support and facilitate councils to review and update their Character Area Statements (and Historic Area Statements) to address identified gaps or deficiencies. This might include updating themes of importance, incorporating additional design elements, and including illustrations where appropriate. These enhanced Statements will provide a stronger focus on design which is bespoke to local character and heritage areas and will provide better tools for assessment of character and heritage values.
In addition, current heritage and character guidance material will be updated by the Department to assist councils in undertaking character and heritage Code Amendments and the assessment of development in character and historic areas.
Importantly, the Expert Panel and the Minister for Planning are fully supportive of the Commission’s proposal to better protect SA’s character areas and have agreed to implement two aspects: the elevation of Character Areas and updates to Character Area Statements.
The community’s views on further changes to Character and Historic Areas will be sought during the Expert Panel’s formal consultation period.
Visit Heritage and character | PlanSA for further information or download the Heritage and Character Brochure (PDF, 13495 KB).