Expression of Interest – State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP)
Published Thursday, 8 April 2021

The State Planning Commission invites expressions of interest from qualified and experienced planners with extensive development assessment experience, to be appointed to a vacancy on the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP) for a term commencing on 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2023.
The SCAP is established under South Australia's Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 as a Committee of the State Planning Commission of South Australia (the Commission).
The SCAP comprises six members—a Presiding Member, a Deputy Presiding Member, four ordinary members, and occasional / specialist members (as determined by the Commission)—who are appointed by the Commission. Appointed SCAP members are eligible for reappointment.
The SCAP’s powers, functions and duties include:
- Assess and determine development applications where the Commission is the relevant authority.
- Assess and report on crown development and public infrastructure applications to the Minister for Planning and Local Government.
- Act as the lodgement authority for all land division applications.
SCAP members are required by the Commission to be Accredited Professionals (Accredited Professional – Planning Level 2). The Commission will seek to ensure that the members of SCAP collectively have qualifications, knowledge, expertise and experience in:
- urban and regional planning, building, environmental management, or a related discipline
- local government
- urban or regional development, commerce or industry
- environmental conservation or management, or the management of natural resources
- the provision of facilities for the benefit of the community
- urban design, building safety or landscaping design.
Expressions of interest comprising a covering letter of no more than two pages and a curriculum vitae of no more than four pages are invited, and must address:
- the candidate’s qualifications, knowledge, planning expertise and development assessment experience; and,
- whether the candidate holds, or is eligible to hold, accreditation as an Accredited Professional – Planning Level 2.
Expressions of interest must be received by 5.00pm Thursday 22 April 2021via email: For all inquiries please contact Alison Gill, Senior Governance Officer, 08 8343 2653 or