New design standard for residential driveway crossovers open for consultation
Published Wednesday, 23 August 2023

A new design standard for residential driveways that aims to improve public safety and enhance streetscapes across South Australia is now open for community feedback.
An initiative of the State Planning Commission, the draft design standard outlines how new driveways should connect from private property to the street and is the first design standard initiated under the new South Australian planning system.
Under the draft design standard, new driveways should be positioned to allow:
- space for a street-tree in front of the home
- room to put bins out
- a suitable distance from roadside infrastructure, such as Stobie poles.
The design standard will also make sure home builders consider the impacts of driveway design on car parking along the street, maintaining a safe and clear footpath and aligning with the street’s character.
Design standards are a new planning instrument that complement the planning rules outlined in the Planning and Design Code, with a focus on the public realm and infrastructure.
They promote good design in streets, parks and other public places, help manage the interface between the public and private realm and contribute to delivering high-quality infrastructure as part of development.
The State Planning Commission prepared the draft design standard with input from local councils, developers and state government agencies.
Minor changes to the Planning and Design Code have also been drafted to complement the design standard and support its delivery.
For more information about the draft Residential Driveway Crossover Design Standard and Code Amendment and how to provide feedback, visit the YourSAy website at