State Planning Commission commences preparation of regional plans
Published Monday, 21 November 2022
The State Planning Commission is consulting with regional communities across South Australia as work begins on compiling six new country plans.
Regional plans play a significant role in identifying long-term land use and infrastructure needs to support sustainable growth within the regions.
They have a strong focus on how each region will look and function over the next 15 to 30 years, taking into consideration the vision and aspirations of local communities.
The new plans will cover the following planning regions of the state:
- Eyre and Western
- Far North
- Kangaroo Island
- Limestone Coast
- Murray Mallee
- Yorke Peninsula and Mid North
The plans will guide where houses will go; how housing and population will be serviced; what infrastructure is needed and how it will be provided; and how land can be developed
The Commission will work closely with regional communities to ensure the plans best meet the needs of each region.
The Local Government Association of South Australia (LGA) and the Commission have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the preparation of the regional plans for South Australia.
The MoU will see the Commission and the LGA establish and maintain an effective and constructive working relationship that will enable the LGA to collaborate with and provide input to the Commission on the Regional Planning Program.
The Commission will commence a first round of engagement with stakeholders and local government from next month and into March 2023. Drafts of each regional plan are expected to be released for broader community consultation in mid-2023.
The Proposal to Initiate documents and region specific engagement plans can be viewed on the regional plans page on the PlanSA portal.