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<p>Report to the Minister for Planning by the Expert Panel on Planning Reform into <em>Heritage and Character in the Planning and Design Code.</em></p>

Heritage and Character in the Planning and Design Code – Expert Panel on Planning Reform

23 January 2020

Report to the Minister for Planning by the Expert Panel on Planning Reform into Heritage and Character in the Planning and Design Code.

<p>A report has been prepared as the half-way point in the consultation phase for Phase Three (Urban Areas)</p>

Planning and Design Code Phase Three (Urban Areas) Code Amendment - Update Report

23 December 2019

A report has been prepared as the half-way point in the consultation phase for Phase Three (Urban Areas)

<p>Have your say on the draft statements relating to Phase Two council areas</p>

Draft Historic Area Statements for the Phase Two (Rural Areas) Planning and Design Code amendment released for consultation

7 December 2019

Have your say on the draft statements relating to Phase Two council areas

<p>The State Planning Commission has released a discussion paper investigating the makeup of South Australia’s population and the structure of our neighbourhoods.</p>

People and Neighbourhoods Policy Discussion Paper

23 September 2019

The State Planning Commission has released a discussion paper investigating the makeup of South Australia’s population and the structure of our neighbourhoods.

<p>Michael Lennon speaking for the Elected Member Briefing Session on 12 September 2019, followed by a Q&A session.</p>

Elected Member Briefing Session - 12 September 2019

19 September 2019

Michael Lennon speaking for the Elected Member Briefing Session on 12 September 2019, followed by a Q&A session.

<p>The State Planning Commission has released a discussion paper proposing new renewable energy policies.</p>

Discussion Paper on Renewable Energy Policy in the Planning and Design Code

25 July 2019

The State Planning Commission has released a discussion paper proposing new renewable energy policies.

<p>Michael Lennon, Chair of the State Planning Commission talks about the importance of the Outback to South Australia and the benefits our newly released Outback Code and Development Assessment Regulations will bring to these remote communities.</p>

New Planning and Development system now live in the Outback

12 July 2019

Michael Lennon, Chair of the State Planning Commission talks about the importance of the Outback to South Australia and the benefits our newly released Outback Code and Development Assessment Regulations will bring to these remote communities.

<p>Phase 1 of the <em>Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 </em>implementation is now live</p>

Our new planning system is now operational in outback South Australia

1 July 2019

Phase 1 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 implementation is now live

<p>Michael Lennon speaking for the Elected Member Briefing Session on 30 May 2019</p>

Elected Member Briefing Session

19 June 2019

Michael Lennon speaking for the Elected Member Briefing Session on 30 May 2019

<p>Michael Lennon speaks about heritage and character</p>

Heritage and Character

14 June 2019

Michael Lennon speaks about heritage and character

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